Sunday, April 10, 2011

Walk A Mile OKC!

As most of you know I currently work for Child Welfare in Oklahoma County. This job has been such a blessing in my life, there are so many wonderful things about my job that I love, I get to be apart of families, practically help put them back together. My job defiantly has its ups and downs, but what job doesn't? Everyday after work I say a little prayer for all the families I've come across daily during my drive home. During this prayer I also thank God for so many families that have individually blessed me and have been apart of my life. One of the many aspects of my job is placing kids in foster care home. Oklahoma has 8046 children in foster care, however we do not have 8046 foster homes. This is such a HUGE issue. Because of the shortage of (good) foster care homes in Oklahoma our kids are forced to move from home to home or in some cases shelters when foster parents simply give up on them. 

I write this blog today to encourage you to get involved with an event happening in OKC on April 30th, 2011. This event is called ‘Walk A Mile’. Simply put this event is a 1-mile family friendly walk to promote awareness of good foster homes. If you would like to walk please visit the website HERE and sign up. If you would like to be my walking buddy just let me know.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I'd like to apologize to all innocent drivers in the Edmond, OKC area who may witnessed me making obscene body gestures from my car. I really can't help it, once I get in my car the first thing I do is turn my ipod on and turn the volume up to the MAX. (I DON'T care what this does or will do to my ears). I love music and grooving while driving. 9 out of 10 times I'm jamming out to the likes of Katy Perry, T-Pain/Chris Brown, Carrie Underwood, Ne-Yo/Pitbull even a little Zack Brown Band (I'm so diverse). If you see me on the road, don't panic I'm having fun making a fool out of myself. Keep your eyes on the road and I'll do the same.