Thursday, February 3, 2011

The BIG 2-5

All brilliant ideas come from somewhere...right? The brilliant idea to do 25 things before my 25th birthday came from yours truly, M&M. "30 before 30" *Check him out*

I decided to make a list of 25 things I want to complete before my 25th birthday. I'll start marking things off of this list beginning March 15th, 2011 (mah b-day) and will hopefully complete them all by March 15th, 2012 (still my b-day). That gives me a entire year. Think I can do it?

25 Before 25

1. Sign up for WW.
2. ****My eyes only!
3. Drop the coke.
4. List 25 of my greatest ideas.
5. Sing karaoke (Duet Only).
6. Have a picnic in the park with someone.
7. Run in the rain.
8. Run a 5k…again.
9. Triple my savings account. Less shopping, more savings.
10. Go to the beach…any beach.
11. Bike around Lake Hefner.
12. Take dance lessons.
13. Volunteer in the community. 
14. Mentor a teen girl. Let me know if you find a girl in need of a mentor.
15. Attend a music festival.
16. Apply to grad school or decide not to attend grad school for a while.
17. Update my blog at least twice a month.
18. Purchase a professional camera and take a photography class.
19. Share my life story.
20. Play tennis each week during the summer.
21. Plan a big camping trip with my friends.
22. Host a murder mystery dinner party with all the trimmings. Halloween Party?
23. Hop in my car on a Friday and return on Sunday.
24. Enjoy a meatless diet for a month.
25. Recognize the accomplishments of someone other than myself. 

See one you like? Help me mark it off.