Thursday, February 3, 2011

The BIG 2-5

All brilliant ideas come from somewhere...right? The brilliant idea to do 25 things before my 25th birthday came from yours truly, M&M. "30 before 30" *Check him out*

I decided to make a list of 25 things I want to complete before my 25th birthday. I'll start marking things off of this list beginning March 15th, 2011 (mah b-day) and will hopefully complete them all by March 15th, 2012 (still my b-day). That gives me a entire year. Think I can do it?

25 Before 25

1. Sign up for WW.
2. ****My eyes only!
3. Drop the coke.
4. List 25 of my greatest ideas.
5. Sing karaoke (Duet Only).
6. Have a picnic in the park with someone.
7. Run in the rain.
8. Run a 5k…again.
9. Triple my savings account. Less shopping, more savings.
10. Go to the beach…any beach.
11. Bike around Lake Hefner.
12. Take dance lessons.
13. Volunteer in the community. 
14. Mentor a teen girl. Let me know if you find a girl in need of a mentor.
15. Attend a music festival.
16. Apply to grad school or decide not to attend grad school for a while.
17. Update my blog at least twice a month.
18. Purchase a professional camera and take a photography class.
19. Share my life story.
20. Play tennis each week during the summer.
21. Plan a big camping trip with my friends.
22. Host a murder mystery dinner party with all the trimmings. Halloween Party?
23. Hop in my car on a Friday and return on Sunday.
24. Enjoy a meatless diet for a month.
25. Recognize the accomplishments of someone other than myself. 

See one you like? Help me mark it off. 


  1. wow, that list would be quite the challenge for me.

  2. I like your list. I should have made a list of 50, yes, 50 things to accomplish before my 50th which is in March! Maybe I can accomplish a few things before that happens.

  3. oh, good list!! There are several I like!

  4. i say when i get cleared to work out again by my gyno (apparently they make you WAIT after having a baby) you and i go do #11 because i have always wanted to. i'm lovin #17... and i would GLADLY be apart of #19.

  5. good luck! I think you can do it! And I can help you w/ #18! :)

  6. Janell, You still have time to make a list.

    Mrs. Garvin, I would love to do number 11 and 19 wtih you. Maybe, 19 while doing 11?

    Des, glad you found my blog and I think it would great if you helped with number 18. You don't have to help with the camera part, but teaching me will be great!

  7. Kay- I bet you can do some of these. :)

  8. Good list!
    Miss you friend.

    Let's catch up sometime!

  9. KEISH!!!! I LOVE THE LIST! I have a teen girl that you can mentor btw. We just have to wait for her to come back from AWOL. And just let me know when you are ready to enjoy a meatless lifestyle :) - Dawn Nauman

  10. BBBS always needs mentors- its a great program I would highly recommend it! I love the list idea and you can defiantly count on me to help ya out with some of those (the road trip, beach, volunteer, life story, you name it ill help!) Miss ya kid- can't wait to see you again!
